1. Semiclassical Initial Value Representation (SC-IVR) code

Here we provide a link to the Ananth Group GitHub page containing our Semiclassical Initial Value
Representation (SC-IVR) FORTRAN code package. The program contains various ways of computing the
real-time correlation function under the SC-IVR formalism. This program has been written and used
by members of the Ananth group, and has not been formally reviewed or published; bugs and errors
may be present. Documentation is now available.
Created by Matthew S. Church

See the following for reference:

M.S. Church, S.V. Antipov, and N. Ananth. J. Chem. Phys. 146, 234104 (2017)

M.S. Church, T.J.H. Hele, G.S. Ezra, and N. Ananth. J. Chem. Phys. 148 102326 (2018)

S.V. Antipov, Z. Ye, and N.Ananth. J. Chem. Phys. 142, 184102 (2015)

W.H. Miller, J. Phys. Chem. A 105, 2942 (2001)

Latest Update 02/06/2017 SC-Corr Code Package Documentation

2. Mapping Variable Ring Polymer Molecular Dynamics (MV-RPMD) code

Here we provide a link to the Ananth Group GitHub page containing our MAVARIC program. MAVARIC is a C++ program used to compute Mapping Variable Ring Polymer Molecular Dynamics correlation functions. This code has been written, edited, and used by members of the Ananth group. It has not been formally reviewed, nor published, nor are there copyrights. Bugs and errors may be present.Created by Elliot Eklund

Latest Update 02/12/2020 MAVARIC Code Package Documentation

3. Path Integral Atomistic Driver

This code is a driver (Fortran90) that enables path integrals simulations in conjunction with atomistic molecular dynamics simulation software (specifically CP2K). The code is general and can be used to implement mixed-time slicing where different atoms in the system are quantized in the path integral representation with different numbers of bea…Created by Britta Johnson

Latest Update 05/22/2020 Path-Integral-Atomistic-Driver Code Package Documentation